The Big Pink, an electro-rock duo from London, recently caught my ears on the current for their promising new singles, Dominos & Velvet
Equal parts multi-instrumental showmanship and primal, instinctive rhythm, The Big Pink's Robbie Furze & Milo Cordell's debut album, "A Brief History of Love," is definitely worth a listen.
What I appreciate about music like this is that it becomes at once both distant and intimate. "As soon as I love her its been too long..." sings Furze on "Velvet." "You call out my name for the love you need/but you won't find it in me. These arms are mine/ don't mind who they hold." Honest, frank, and heart-breaking are the tracks off "A Brief History of Love." A beautiful contradiction, the album's sound is remniscient of Jack Penate or Primal Scream, (also worth a thorough listen) but slightly... cooler, in every sense of the word. Afterall, as Furze bangs out on "Dominos" - "The hottest love has the coldest end." A perfect way to describe this memorable new debut.